Material Management

Material management is a key to any builders profitability. This is because as much as 65 percent of the cost of your construction is directly tied to the amount of material that your job will require. Overages in costs almost always are linked to a failure to manage materials at some point.

This course will introduce you to the main concepts of construction material management. As the builder, you owe it to yourself, your houses, and most importantly, your profitability to manage your materials wisely if you want to succeed in your business.

Spoiler alert – material management is the builder’s responsibility. You don’t want to miss this course.

Module 1 Introduction
Lesson 1 Overview  - Preview  
Lesson 2 The Builder’s Role  
Module 2 Needs and Responsibilities
Lesson 1 The house will need the material that the house needs.  
Lesson 2 There are legitimate reasons to be short material.  
Lesson 3 You have to ask the right questions.  
Lesson 4 The jobsite manager is responsible to find and correct the real issue.  
Lesson 5 Examples of common material shortage issues  
Module 3 Legitimate reasons to be Short
Lesson 1 Legitimate Reasons for Takeoff and Estimating Errors  
Lesson 2 Legitimate Reasons for Theft and Vandalism  
Lesson 3 Legitimate Reasons for Builder Misuse  
Lesson 4 Legitimate Reasons for Trade Misuse  
Lesson 5 Legitimate Reasons for Plan Changes  
Lesson 6 Completion